Thursday, February 3, 2011

Things that make you say 'hmmmmmmm'

✔ I live in Texas. 
There are a lot of Christians (I am not one of them) in Texas.
✔ I have a handful of girlfriends that don't work but play golf all the time.
✔ These girls also wear shirts that have bling crosses on them.
✔ My choices of female friends is very limited.
✔ They send me chain emails.

I got a chain/group girlfriend email today from a friend who has a daughter in college. Most of the time I do not mind these emails as it keeps me abreast of what is going on in the lives of their families. 
But, IDK maybe I am just being a little picky today but the email irked me.
She writes about her daughter's accomplishments in college and how thankful they are and that god is good and continues to bless them- eerrrrrrrr *screeching halt*. Many thanks to god in the email and no kudos to her daughter for her hard work.
I suppose her daughter's decision to study instead of party must be god sending them blessings. I suppose it isn't hard work and determination. And I suppose that all a long you have prayed for your daughter to do well instead of encouraging her.
She goes on and on about blessings and being blessed and bless and bless you and achooo.
What happens if she does poorly in school next semester? Will your family be punished and your blessing be revoked? 
I know she is proud of her daughter- the email just came across as more preachy than anything.
I never impose my non belief on anyone so I replied to the email, simply asking for her daughter's mailing address so I could send her a cute card and a gift certificate to somewhere. 
I wanted to acknowledge HER hard work for HER accomplishments.
I am going to sit on my couch and pray for pizza to come- lets see how far that gets me. 


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