Friday, February 18, 2011

Risky business.

Sometimes cupcake partakes in risky business.
But cupcake is a smart cookie as not to put herself in too dangerous a situation to cause her great bodily harm or death (look folks I am here and still blogging).

Trollop Cupcake Rule #13

When one goes trolloping in areas not familiar or situations not familiar- have a designated safe person, DSP. What does that mean exactly? 

And please do this with as much detail as possible. Scared, scared that your friends will think poorly of the trolloping activities you are doing? I suggest you get better friends but in the mean time, find yourself someone who can follow instructions and will follow through on your behalf.

In this day and age- you can never be too safe.

When and where would I need to remember rule #13 and call/text/email my DSP?
If you are a single trollop, like myself- do this all the time. Make it a habit- even if just to text your girlfriend that you are going to see Gnomeo and Juliet with NB, I mean, just going to the movies. If you are sometimes naughty like myself and do trollopy like things- you need to keep yourself safe. But most importantly, remember to do this when:

  • you are meeting someone for the first time
  • you are leaving one place for another with someone you just met
  • you are going to someone's home/office for the first time (or riding in their car)
  • planning on doing any drugs with a person you only know casually or strangers (STRANGER DANGER)
  • are doing any type of D/S activities with a non long term partner.

Also remember, don't drink and drive, do not have unprotected sex, and for fuck sake do not have sex with someone unless you have some major details of their life like their NAME!

This post brought to you by the numbers and letters 3SOME.

Thanks Joe for being my DSP. 


BenJoBubble said...

Hell YES! When I flew down here to spend that 1st weekend w/ TheCap'n (after only having met him the previous Saturday in the Bahamas), I armed my friends with his photo, name, address, phone numbers; make, model, year of his truck; his dad's picture, name, address, phone number & place of employment; AND an aerial photograph of TheCap'n's house, for which I also had a copy of the deed, construction permits, and purchase documents. All gleaned from the Internet. For free. Without TheCap'n even knowing (he'd only given me his phone number). LOL!

SAFETY FIRST. It doesn't matter how hawt of a date it is - won't matter if you're deaded. And my bestie, Lala, would always say (esp. of TheCap'n): "Yeah. He's cute 'n' all, but I bet he hides an icepick under his bed." (She didn't like him very much back then). Anyway, turns out there was no icepick. Just a dust bunny. It's still there.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome.

<3 Joe

Trollop said...

This is totes what I am saying. It is so easily to be charmed- but who wants to wind up being charmed then dead or emotionally damaged because they did not do their homework.

Ashly Star said...

Awesome post. This needs to be like a PSA that everyone has to listen to before they go out at night, haha.

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